My dream home down is very beautifui.there are lots of flowers and trees here .Thereis a biggest bookshop here.I can read different kinds of books here when I am free.I think it is good for my study.Near my home town is a big shopping mall.It’s not far from my home town .
There is a beautiful park close to my home town .
I want to live in my dream town .
- 想疫情结束后给孩子补补课
- 引导孩子的学习乐趣,不要一味的补课补课的
- 公交涪辅帝恍郜喝佃桶顶垃线路:185路,全程约7.8公里1、从理想小镇步行约20米,到达前卫营(前兴路)站2、乘坐185路,经过12站, 到达白马站3、步行约440米,到达白马小区
- 公交线路:129路 → 98路,全程约10.0公里1、从理想小镇小区步行约10米,到达理想小镇小区(希望路)氦袱份惶莓耗逢同抚括站2、乘坐129路,经过7站, 到达巡津街站(也可乘坐129路调头)3、乘坐98路,经过7站, 到达地台寺站