An American and a Japanese were sitting on the plane on the way to L.A.1 when the American turned to the Japanese and asked, “What kind of ‘ese’ are you?”
The Japanese ,confused, replied, “Sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean.”
The American repeated, “What kind of ‘ese’ are you?” Again, the Japanese was confused over the question. The American, now angry, loudly repeated, “Jeez2, how tough is this—what kind of ‘ESE’ are you? Are you ChinESE or JapanESE or VietnamESE . . . ?”
The Japanese gentleman replied, “Oh, I see. I’m Japanese.”
“Well, OK, now we’re getting somewhere,” the American said.
A little while later, the Japanese man asked, “Excuse me, but what kind of ‘key’ are you?”
“What? What the hell do you mean?” the irritated American answered.
“You know, a monKEY or a donKEY or just a typical YanKEE3?”
二、my hobby英语口头作文?
My hobby
Hello!My name is Amy. I am 13 years old.I like reading. I often read stories on the weekend. I like playing sports. I play basketball and ping-pong with my father every day. I like drawing, too. I draw cartoons with my friends after school.These are my hobbies.What about yours?
first,my school is very beautiful and Our school’s environment is very good.
then ,my school very big and The plastic building represents the solemn and serious school
lost ,i think say i`m very love my school
About health
Everyone want to be healthy, because it is by health to longevity.
Source of life in motion. The simplest is running, riding a bike. Whether rich or poor, can do two kinds of movement, can easily do the two movement, but not excessive exercise, it will damage the body. Keep a good attitude, happiness will always stay.
In order to maintain the health, physical exercise is the best way. Mountain climbing, can practice perseverance; rope skipping, can we grow, and actively participate in physical exercise, less illness, did not have to pay a lot of medical expenses.
In PE class, we can run on the playground, basketball, skipping ~ ~ ~ ~ can keep fit. In winter, students still do not fear the cold, keep on running in the playground, even sweat.
Want to be healthy, diet is also important. The food Pyramid wrote: eat a little salt, oil, sugar, milk, milk, eggs and meat; many vegetables, fruit, plenty of whole grains. The balanced nutrition, to maintain good body.
Every day at noon, schools have a delicious meal. The teacher ordered us to eat all that. Although we complain a little, but we all know: the teacher is good for us. We have a” eat like wolves and tigers” out to enjoy the” nutritional lunch”.
Life is precious, health is to keep the life” defense” equipment. If we want a healthy diet and exercise, right from the start!
_My Favorite People
If anyone ask me who is my favorite people? I would tell him my favorite person is my mother. My mother is 45 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall, but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is grey and there is several white hair. She loves cooking. She often cooks delicious food for me. I love her.
This summer,for my vacation,I’m going to Hong Kong with my mother.I can visit Disneyland and lots of museums.It is also a wonderful place for shopping.I have lots of things to buy,for example,I want to buy some nice clothes,school things and interesting books.What’s more,I can visit my aunt who works there,I think we will have a good time in Hong Kong.
今天天气晴朗,蓝蓝的天上没有一丝白云,杨柳树都飘着絮。 我们要去梨花庄园春游。我去年已经去那玩过两次了,而我们班小朋友从来没去过呢! 我俄每年坐上旅游车出发了。老师为我们准备了面包、酸奶和水。坐在车里我们心里都很舒畅。快到了的时候,路两边有大棚小棚。小棚里种着西红柿、西瓜一类的小植物。大棚里种着白菜芯里长出的蘑菇。 到了梨花庄园,好多中小学的哥哥姐姐也在那玩呢!老师先带我们进了“进退两难”。很多小朋友想:这不是“进退两难”,简直是“进退两易”。接着我们进了迷宫。很多小朋友都被迷在里面了。我拽着樊懋祥走了好多条路,最后我看见一个口是通往右边的。我站在那又看了看前面,不禁大叫起来:“我们出去了!”紧接着是刘一思,后面是一大堆人。接着,我们又玩了另样的跷跷板。第三个我就冲了上去,每个小朋友都争先恐后地玩。男孩子玩玩了是女孩子玩。 玩累了,我们坐上车吃了饭。车就带我们去了北园。在这里我们要看一个航天展览。我们先进了门,门上有许多星星。后面有两个大轮子让我感觉头朝下。下了台阶,就进了展厅。我们开始参观。老师带我们观看了一些在太空上星球的表面比如月球。接着我们合影。我们还看了八大行星的星系。 出了展厅后,我们要看一个火箭喷发演示。刘老师站在一个机器旁边。我们开始倒计时:“10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1发射!”刘老师按电钮,火箭像箭一样飞上了天空。那里有好多烟雾,先一个很大的火箭主体落下,不过很快被先前系好的绳子给吊住了。接着两个黄色的零件又从火箭上脱落,也被绳子吊住了。紧跟着又一个大的物体落下,是二级脱落,火箭就飞了上去。很快又轻飘飘地落了下来。 春游就结束了。我们回车把水喝完,就返回幼儿园。我们玩得非常高兴,还知道了火箭发射的经过。