Changes in the past two years,I have changed a lot in the past two years.such as meeting new friends,contacting new things,learning new languages.
Perhaps 20 year after I, become a genuine nurse.In the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.
At that time, my had to invent one new medicine, let the disabled person again long new thingses the body; I also must invent one kind of new eye drops, lets these not see the bright person, again sees the light, can see our colorful life;
I also must establish an electronic technology hospital, utilizes the high tech medical service technology to save from impending death assists the wounded, causes the patient healthily to leave the hospital, lives happily.
I often imagine what my life will be like in thefuture. I think my life will be very different in tenyears. I will be twenty-eight years old by then.
Iwill have my own family. Probably with a lovelychild. I hope I will work in a computer company asa program designer.
I will enjoy my work and getalong well with my colleagues, I will do a good jobin whatever I do.
In my free time, I will continue totake regular exercise, such as swimming, runningand various ball games. On my holidays, I willtravel around the world. In a word, my life will bemuch richer and more colorful.
新的一年,新的自己。依旧的愿望,不一样的奋斗。——题记 白驹过隙,在2014这一年里,我总是因自己的骄傲而迷失路线,我不知失去了几许不应失去的时刻,我悔恨,我难过,但过去已成为曾经。我要面对新的自己,新的目标,新的路线,并要坚持不懈的奋斗。 又一个崭新的开始,我要抛开过去的种种烦恼,来面对自己的未来之路。花开花落,我们都是在雨中行走的人,撑起属于自己的伞,追寻属于自己的梦,不管前方是怎样,昂首翱翔,由于,愿望与我们同在。前方的路等着我们去闯,愿望等着我们实现。我要追求自己的愿望,追求属于我自己的星光,打造属于我的奋斗之路。 大众常说:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”。是的,时刻是特殊的,是金钱所买不到的。它是公平的,它不会给大众多一分钟,当然,也不会少一分钟。因此,我要把握时刻,珍惜现在所拥有的时刻,我已经失去了2014年的些许时光,我不能再失去崭新的一年了,在这一年的时刻里,我要插上翅膀,在2015年的天空下,自在翱翔。 新的一年,要充满期待,充满激情,充满自信。相信自己,不要服输,所谓失败,就是检讨自己的一面镜子,面对过去的失败,我要认真检讨,面对新的开始,我要吸取之前的教训,努力追求自己的目标。我期待,2015年将会是我人生的转折点,将会是美妙的一年。过去就过去吧,我现在要做的,不是因过去而停止自己前进的脚步,而是要及时反思,面向未来。 2015年,放飞我们的心愿!新的一年,新的自己,一切都是崭新的。在这里,不仅是对自己,也是对所有的人说:2015年,美妙的一年,是我们新的起跑线,也是我们愿望的继续!新年高兴!
Dear Me,
I am writing this letter to you to tell you that how you will look like in 2 years time.
I expect you to graduate from high school and enter a goo university. You will get a girl friend and have fun and study together to a college degree. You will also have more pubic hair and a stronger body. Keeping regular excercise is a good way to have a healthy body and mind. I hope you can be consistent and keep up your good work not to mention all the bullshit you had produced
Yours sincerely self
the present ME
How are you when you are ten years older?You must finish your homework everyday.
3.ok? remember?clear now? no problem?
4.do 是照妖镜!!大家要记牢!
7.学英语一定有好处,即使你以后要去工地搬砖,喊口号,别人喊:“一二三起”,你喊“one two three go”都比别人显得有文化。
1. Thirty years from now, life as we know it will have changed in ways we cannot imagine.2. Advances in technology will have revolutionized the way we live, work and communicate.3. In homes, robots will perform many household tasks, freeing up time for leisure and personal growth.4. Self-driving cars will be widespread, reducing accidents and making travel more efficient.5. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, will replace fossil fuels as the primary energy source.6. Healthcare will become even more personalized and accessible, with virtual consultations and treatments.7. Education will be more accessible and affordable, with online classes and remote learning opportunities.8. Climate change will continue to be a pressing issue, and efforts to mitigate its effects will be crucial.9. Space exploration and colonization may become a reality, opening up new frontiers for humanity.10. Despite all these advancements, challenges related to inequality and social justice may persist and require ongoing efforts to address.
What I am after thirty years I will be 45 after thirty years. I will have a happy family – My wife, my son and I. I will have my own business and become a millionaire and a splendid youth in China. I have a big house and a nice car. I donate a lot of money for charities every year to help the poor people. How great I am !